
Coursework: an overview

Part of the guidance on Unit 4 Presenting the World, published by the exam board.

Edexcel A Level English Language and Literature

Unit 4: Coursework

Students will complete a coursework portfolio containing three pieces of writing which will be worth a total of 80 marks:
  • one piece of literary writing = 21 marks
  • one piece of non-fiction writing = 21 marks
  • one analytical evaluative commentary (with bibliography) = 38 marks
Literary writing can be described as writing which derives from the writer’s imagination and which adopts a narrative approach e.g. prose fiction, drama scripts, poetry. The stimulus may be an historical event or contemporary issue and may feature real personalities and involve research. Many contemporary novels are based on historical events. Fictionalised letters and diaries are also in this category.

Non-fiction writing is based on facts and could include opinion/ persuasion e.g. reports and articles for newspapers, biography, obituary, popular science, travel documentaries, speeches, any type of investigative journalism.

Both tasks should emerge from the research and texts studied for the topic area.

There should be a strong element of personal interest and evidence of investigation/ independent learning for the A2 unit. For example, if the topic is ‘The Impact of War’ research widely-read diaries, letters, journals, newspaper reports and editorials with complementary fiction. Do internet searches, watch documentary films, search for first person accounts.